Welcome to the Home Page of Cosmos

New mirror site is here

Cosmos (from v8.00) is now compatible with the formal Fortran grammar:

i.e, can be compiled with GNU gfortan as well as Intel ifort. etc
The essential difference from the older ones is in the treatment of the "structure construct". The conversion of "old to new" style was managed by the new Cosmos development team
For more details, see a short manual with some updated features in this version.


What is Cosmos ?

It is a versatile Monte Carlo simulaiton code for propagatio of cosmic rays in the atmosphere and near earth environment. It can treate low energy phenomena such as atmospheric neutrino problems with muon polarization, or very high energy air showers in the GZK cutoff region with magnetic bremsstrahlung and pair creation effects and/or the LPM effect.

PS or pdf manuals are available. (The pdf version is rather dirty). Important points (especially for those who know Cosmos already) are printed in red letters. From uv 6.30, Geomview is fully suported and the manual for it is also ready.

Platforms where you can play Cosmos

The following platforms have been verified to work:
  1. PC Linux with Intel Fortran
  2. PC Linux with GNU Gfortran
  3. Mac OS(X) with Intel Fortran
  4. Mac OS(X) with GNU Gfortran KEK IBM supere computer system JAXA super computer sytem

The Cosmos source code

The source code is here: This is the gate to Cosmos.